2010 Plan – Chapter 4

Youngstown 2010 Plan - Chapter 4 header

Youngstown 2010 Plan Chapter 4: Citywide Conditions The reality that became Youngstown after the 1951 & 1974 plans only slightly resembles the intentions of the planners. The current land use (see Map 9) shows prescribed uses peppered with widespread non conforming uses. It demonstrates far too much commercial, industrial and residential use for a city […]

2010 Plan – Chapter 3

Youngstown 2010 Chapter 3 Existing Land Use

Youngstown 2010 Plan Chapter 3: Existing Land Use – 1951 and 1974 Plans The planning process that was undertaken by the City of Youngstown in the early 1950s was based on the reality of that time. The Korean War was underway, reconstruction was ongoing in Europe and Japan and the demand for steel remained strong. […]

2010 Plan – Chapter 2

Youngstown 2010 Plan Chapter 2: Planning Process Youngstown 2010 is the City’s first citywide planning process in over fifty years. This process is nothing short of a paradigm shift. Former knee jerk reactions to events outside of the City’s control have failed. A proactive approach toward the future is the last chance for sustainability, perhaps […]

2010 Plan – Chapter 1

Youngtown Historic Map

Youngstown 2010 Plan Chapter 1: City History Development History – Site and Situation Youngstown, Ohio developed out of the setting, where people were drawn to work in the mines, mills and factories. Youngstown was created by the same factors that led to the establishment of the U. S. industrial belt that stretched from Massachusetts to […]