New Seats for Auditorium

Join us on our mission to revitalize South High's auditorium!

With your generous support, we can replace every uncomfortable, broken seat with a comfortable, fully cushioned seat. 

Take Your Seat

For just $50, you can sponsor a seat and play a crucial role in transforming this 800 seat auditorium into a community hub for cultural events and performances. Donors receive a complimentary first event ticket provided per seat donation.

Let’s work together to elevate the experience and breath new life into this magnificent auditorium. Calling all South High alumni: seize this opportunity to rejuvenate the cherished South High school auditorium. 

Donor Recognition

When you donate, you can select to have your name – or your company, group, or family name – displayed in the auditorium and online. Donations are tax deductible. Donate now and leave your mark on South High’s legacy! 

  • Gary and Lynette Frost
  • Art and Lynne Kovacs
  • Stephanie McDuffie
  • Jon Howell
  • Christine Silvestri
  • Chuck Kier
  • Sherrie Penny Brown
  • Sharon Davis
  • Karen Goldston
  • Heather O’Hara

Current Seats with Peeling Paint

Updated Seats with Cushions

Donate a Seat

For each $50 donated, this covers the cost of one seat. Your donation is tax deductible. Also, you receive a complimentary first event ticket provided per seat donation.

Auditorium Restoration - Gary Frost and Rick Blair Checking Progress