- Youngstown 2030!
Promote Youngstown as a viable place to live and work by partnering on redevelopment projects, leveraging the historic character of city architecture, and inspiring others to invest in the city.
The mission of Youngstown 2030! is to accelerate the economic development of the city that encompasses the adaptive re-use of historic properties. We have a concentrated focus on restoration to provide additional housing opportunities. Our work serves to improve the quality of life for all residents while also showcasing the unique assets of Youngstown and the surrounding region.
The genesis of Youngstown Jubilee Urban Development was established in 1990 to improve housing in the city under the name Jubilee Urban Renewal Corporation. Our projects involved the construction, rehabilitation, and property management of 240 Youngstown homes. This includes assisting 100 families with home ownership.
Our programs provide affordable housing through rehabilitation and new construction to counter blight and disinvestment that swept through Youngstown with the demise of the steel industry. Initially, the south and east sides experienced the most concentrated disinvestment. Vacant homes became increasingly prevalent and blighted the street scape of once active, stable neighborhoods that impacted most areas of the city to some degree.
Jubilee impacted the south side through its First-time Homebuyer Program that was made possible through a grant from the Federal Home Loan Bank. The next phase of Jubilee homes were funded through the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program and Ohio Department of Development funding, which expanded affordable housing opportunities to include the east side as well. Additionally, CHDO monies from the City of Youngstown have been instrumental in our rehabilitation projects. In total, we invested over 24 million dollars to provide families with quality housing and home ownership.
Our focus is now concentrated actions to stabilize, restore, and develop housing and mixed-use properties near corridors. This includes projects to improve historic buildings, restore whole blocks, and attract investment into the primary transit corridors leading into the downtown district.
Restore and redevelop properties to catalyze economic growth in the Valley
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Youngstown Urban Development